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Anxiety Resources



For Parents


Taming the Worry Dragons.  E. Jane Garland & Sandra L .Clark

Available through the BC Children's Hospital Bookstore, Odin Books in Vancouver, and at Remedy's Pharmacy opposite Langley Memorial Hospital


Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child.  Katharina Manassis, Barron's Educational series, 1996.

     A practical guide that shows parents how to recognize a child's anxieties and offers specific advice.


Living Fully with Shyness and Social Anxiety: A comprehensive guide to gaining social confidence.  Erika B Hilliard, Marlowe & Company, 2005.

     The author, a therapist and mental health expert, offers a comprehensive guide to living successfully with anxiety in social situations.


Help for Worried Kids: How your child can conquer anxiety and fear.  Cynthia G. Last, Guilford Press, 2005.

     Readers will learn to be consistent and encouraging as their child develops the confidence needed to face - and conquer - worries of every kind.


Your Anxious Child: How parents and teachers can relieve anxiety in children.  John S. Dacey & Lisa B. Fiore, Jossey-Bass, 2001.

     Based on the COPE program, your child will learn how to alleviate stress, build courage and trust, and become an innovative problem solver.


Helping Your Anxious Child: A step-by-step guide for parents.  Ronald Rapee, New Harbinger Publications, 2000.

     Parents are provided a step-by-step guide for assisting their children in overcoming a panoply of worries, fears, and anxieties.


Freeing Your Child from Anxiety.  Tamar E. Chansky, Broadway, 2004.

     Examines all manifestations of childhood fears and guides parents through a program to help your child back to emotional safety.


What To Do When Your Child Has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.  Aureen Pinto Wagner, Lighthouse Press Inc., 2002.

     Presents a step-by-steo approach that countless children have used successfully to regain control from OCD.



For Kids/Youth


What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A kid's guide to overcoming anxiety. Dawn Huebner, Magination Press, 2005.

     Guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety.


Taming the Worry Dragons for Kids. E. Jane Garland & Sandra L .Clark

Taming the Worry Dragons for Teens.  E. Jane Garland & Sandra L .Clark

Available through the BC Children's Hospital Bookstore, Odin Books in Vancouver, and at Remedy's Pharmacy opposite Langley Memorial Hospital


I Bet I Won’t Fret.   by Timothy A. Sisemore, Ph.D.




For Parents



Practical strategies and tools to help you manage your child's anxiety


Kelty Mental Health

Provincial resource centre which provides children, youth, parents and families with appropriate information, options for support and treatment in BC in all areas of mental health and substance use. The centre also offers peer support to parents, youth and people of all ages struggling with eating disorders through email, phone or drop in.


FORCE Society for Kids' Mental Health

Provincial organization that provides families with an opportunity to speak with other families who understand and may be able to offer support or advice on what has worked for them. The F.O.R.C.E. also provides families and professionals with information, tools, and tips on how to support and assist children with mental health difficulties.


Children's Mental Health Ontario

Represents and supports the providers of child and youth mental health treatment services throughout Ontario. This is also a great resource for BC parents.



A non-profit initiative of the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO and provides anonymous, confidential and trustworthy information.



For Kids/Youth


AnxietyBC - for Youth

Practical strategies and tools specifically directed towards teenagers/youth.


Teen Mental Health

A project of the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health, a partnership between Sun Life Financial, Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre with the vision to improve the mental health of youth by the effective translation and transfer of scientific knowledge.





Child & Youth Mental Health locations

Child and youth mental health services are offered throughout British Columbia by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). These services provide a wide range of community-based specialized mental health services to mentally ill children and their families. Parents are encouraged to self-refer prior to your appointment as there is a lengthy waitlist for services.


BC Friends for Life

The BC FRIENDS program, sponsored by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), is an evidence-based, school-based, anxiety prevention and resiliency program.


SFU Surrey Counselling Centre

The SFU Surrey Counselling Centre provides free counselling services for adults, school-aged children, and youth. All counselling is provided by students in the Master's program in Counselling Psychology.





BC Psychological Association

Find a trained psychologist or counsellor in your area.


ABLE Clinic

Private multidisciplinary clinic providing assessment, treatment and consultation for children and youth experiencing difficulties with A ttention, B ehaviour, L earning, and E motion.

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