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Welcome to our Clinic!!


Clayton Gate Pediatrics is a general pediatric consultant clinic located in East Clayton in Cloverdale, Surrey.


Our goal is to provide comprehensive, up-to-date, quality care for children in a compassionate and child-friendly environment. We see children from birth up until their 19th birthday for a variety of medical problems, ranging from prematurity, to asthma, to ADHD.

Medical Education


We are a UBC medical-school-affiliated teaching clinic. As a result, you may see learners from a variety of backgrounds in our clinic, including 3rd and 4th year medical students, family practice and pediatric residents.




Patients are seen at the clinic on a referral basis. These referrals may come from your family doctor, a walk-in clinic doctor, or the Emergency Room. We unfortunately do not do well-child visits, immunizations, or primary care.




The pediatricians have limited their acceptance of Developmental referrals at this time due to their wait lists exceeding 6+ months.

March 2023

Dr. Noseworthy is no longer providing clinic care and is focusing on Emergency Medicine. 

If you were a patient of Dr. Noseworthy, please contact your family doctor for a new referral to another Pediatric office. Unfortunately, the other pediatricians in the office are unable to take over care of his patients. 

Office Hours


Monday to Friday                9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


We are closed on statutory holidays and over the Christmas/New Year holidays.

Phone Hours

Monday to Friday                9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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